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Tax Interview

Usual Items To Bring To Your Tax AppointmentPersonal Information Your social security number Your spouse’s full name and social security number Amount of any alimony paid and ex­-spouse’s social security number Previous tax return for review and continuity (if necessary) Income information (Forms W­2) Spouse/Dependent Information Dates of birth and social security numbers Childcare records

IRS Email Scam

iQTAXX Tax Services – IRS Email ScamThe incidence of “phishing” has grown each year to include new schemes, many of which appear to be legitimate. Phishing is the term used to refer to scams in which individuals attempt to trick someone into revealing information that can then be utilized to “steal” the victim’s identity. Fraudsters

IRS Mileage Rate

IRS Mileage RateKeep track of your deductible mileage on your vehicle and you could see big savings on your tax return. Remember that you MUST keep accurate records in order for the deductions to be allowed. Listed below are the most common mileage deductions and how you can take advantage of them.A standard IRS mileage

Gift Tax

Gift TaxThe laws on gift taxes are complicated due to the fact that technically, any gift is taxable. However, certain exemptions exist to this rule along with specific limits that have been set in place by the government. What is Included as a Gift and Therefore, Subject to the Gift Tax?Anything of value that you give

Income Tax Evasion

Income Tax EvasionWhat is income tax evasion? This phrase describes the purposeful action of defrauding the government (underpayment) or not paying the appropriate amount of tax (nonpayment). Both of these actions (tax fraud and tax evasion) are crimes that are prosecutable and typically involve large fines and penalties. Prosecution and the accompanying sentences may also

IRS Audits and Statutes of Limitations

IRS Audits and Statute of LimitationsIf you are like most people, the mere thought of an IRS audit sends shivers up-and-down your spine. However, the truth of the matter is that the IRS does not conduct a large percentage of audits on a regular basis. That being said, certain triggers do exist that will make it

Self Employed

Individual Retirement ArrangementA personal savings plan that anyone can take advantage of, whether or not they are self employed or work for someone else, the IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangement) is available in two versions – the traditional and the Roth IRA. It is important to consider your choices carefully as both have tax implications now


Child Tax CreditIn addition to the ability to claim your children as dependents on your income tax return, taxpayers have the ability to receive the Child Tax Credit (CTC) for each qualifying child as well as the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) for each qualifying child. It is possible that claiming either the CTC or

Check Refund Status

Pulling your status takes few minutes by IRS website Please enter your Social Security Number and other information requested by the IRS and the refund amount as shown on your tax return.Check Refund StatusTax Return Accepted By IRS before 11:00 am between…Direct Deposit Sent*Paper Check Mailed*Jan 28 and Feb 03, 2019Feb 11, 2019Feb 15, 2019Feb